Bonfire Builders
Those of you passing through the village recently might have noticed that the Bonfire tripod has made its annual appearance on the Green. The Helpers are back in action, once again, building the bonfire for the annual Chiddingfold Bonfire night. It’s starting to take shape already, but we could do with some more willing helpers on the green on Saturday mornings to help build it. It’s great fun and we even provide you with bacon butties, cake and coffee.
If you would like to help with marshalling this great occasion then please contact Steve Baker via the bonfire website or come along to the marshals briefing for a few beers ………Oh, and that briefing!
General Help
As you can imagine, an event like this involves a huge amount of setting up – putting up tents, trestle tables, fences, road diversions, cones, etc, and clearing away afterwards – leaving the village green as clean and tidy as we can. Please, please, please spare a few minutes on Sunday morning to help with clearing away, please contact Simon Manuel.
Collection & Donations
The bonfire raises money via street collections which is given to villagers over the age of 70. Each year, nearly £5000 is distributed to 140 elderly residents of the village. We also raised enough money to make donations to worthy local causes and helpers. But money cannot be collected without your assistance. So if you would like to help ‘shake a bucket’ on the night, please contact us.
You can also donate online via our Pay Pal page.